New Zine: nothing there

I've compiled a new zine with fifteen pages of poetry, prose, and some weird dreams I had in order to 1.) put some words out into the world for the first time in a long while and 2.) going through school and not working left my wallet a little light. Like, zero gravity light. It's... Continue Reading →

Last Call: Discontinued Zines 

CREEPS and I WASN'T IN LOVE WITH YOU, I WAS JUST REALLY DRUNK will be out of print in their current forms. CREEPS first appeared as part of Ladybox Vol. 2 I WASN'T IN LOVE WITH YOU, I WAS JUST REALLY DRUNK was made for the Ladybox Books launch/release party. UPDATE: All zines have been... Continue Reading →

Interview: CLASH Media Podcast

Had an astral daytime slumber party with Leza Cantoral for the CLASH Media podcast this weekend. We talked about my novella, GLUE, mermaid hair/beards, Portland strip club aesthetics, biker culture, my dad's role in said culture, zines, Ladybox Books and a lot of other stuff! We had a great time chatting and probably could have... Continue Reading →

Interview with The How The Why 

I met a lot of people when I attended AWP to represent Ladybox Books and one of them invited me to be a guest on their podcast. Click HERE to listen to it and hear me talk about Ladybox Books, publishing, and my gross overuse of the word "um."

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